Australia AHS update

January 2021


10 nautical charts have been updated  (as at: 11-Dec-2020, NtM 25/2020)

  • Aus53  Australia - North West Coast - Western Australia - Approaches to Port Hedland
  • Aus54  Australia - North West Coast - Western Australia - Port Hedland
  • Aus119  Australia - South Coast - Western Australia - Approaches to Esperance
  • Aus55  Australia - North West Coast - Western Australia - Approaches to Port Walcott
  • Aus742  Australia - North West Coast - Western Australia - Rosemary Island to Barrow Island
  • Aus332  Australia - West Coast - Western Australia - Pepper Point to Geraldton
  • Aus755  Australia - West Coast - Western Australia - Cape Peron to Cape Naturaliste
  • Aus802  Australia - South Coast - Victoria - Cape Liptrap to Kent Group     with new inset
  • Aus195  Australia - East Coast - New South Wales - Approaches to Port Kembla
  • Aus752  Australia - West Coast - Western Australia - Pelsaert Island to Beagle Islands

So 475 charts (811 including sub-charts) based on licensed material provided by the Australian Hydrographic Office are available in the Australia AHS layer. (see coverage)

Note : don't forget to visit Notices to Mariners; published monthly and available from AHS both online or through a free hardcopy subscription service.
This essential publication provides the latest information on changes to the aids to navigation system, as well as updates from AHS regarding AHS charts and publications.

Note : the Australia AHS layer is not yet available for Weather4D mobile app users (raster charts are not authorized for navigation apps), but only for B2B webmapping customers